How To Study the Bible, I
How do you study the Bible? On the one hand, it really isn't "Rocket Science." Yet, the notion of science (with its emphasis on observation) can suggest a very helpful approach. Let me explain ...
How do you study the Bible? On the one hand, it really isn't "Rocket Science." Yet, the notion of science (with its emphasis on observation) can suggest a very helpful approach. Let me explain ...
The Gospel of John may be the best place for a new or young believer to read about Jesus. It has a unique flavor, recording stories and sayings not found in the other three gospels (e.g. water turned to wine, the woman at the well, raising Lazarus, etc.)...
22 years ago, I wrote a poem for my two oldest children (Lauren and Daniel) on the day before school let out for summer vacation. I made some connections to life and Jesus, as you'll see ...
When we realize how much God has privileged us by adopting us into His family, our hearts begin to swell with gratitude for such undeserved favor ...
Although silence is a dear friend of mine, occasionally I'll encounter a song that finds a home, deep inside my soul. I just discovered this beautiful, antiphonal song that honors Jesus so much ...
A slightly-satirical, culturally-incorrect poem by an exhausted, white, old, cisgender, heteronormative, Christian male missionary, who is supposed to be quiet ...