Hi! My name is Dan Flynn. I love words, guzzle hazelnut coffee, chew 13,700 levels of Candy Crush (without spending a dime – I'm tenacious!) and eat the same breakfast cereal every morning for 20+ years! (Post's Great Grains: Pecans, Dates and Raisins). God has gifted me with my precious wife, Paula, and three adult children.

I am investing my life to do the following:
- speak everywhere of my Hero Jesus,
- train communicators to speak effectively,
- write about Jesus, the Christian life, and communication excellence,
- shepherd young believers for the sake of Christ's Kingdom.
This Blog
GodCanGodCares is a dream come true. My desire is to write pithy, poignant, passionate prose about my twin devotions: Jesus (the Treasure of Life) and the art & science of Communication Brilliance. It is my hope and prayer that you will be inspired and instructed by the words, lessons, and stories I share. May they forever remind you that God Can. God Cares.