Top 10 Things That Make You Go, "Hmm..."
Drumroll ...
10. Is there another word for “thesaurus?”
9. Why is “phonetic” spelled like that?
8. Monosyllabic. (think about it ... think about it ... there!)
7. Why are there braille dots on drive-through ATM’s? (there really are)
6. You know the indestructible Black Box on airplanes? Why don’t they make the whole airplane out of that?
5. How deep would the ocean be if there were no sponges in it?
4. Why is it that your nose runs and your feet smell?
3. Why is the word “abbreviation” so long?
2. If you write a book on How to Fail, and it fails, would it be a success?
1. And the #1 thing to make you go "Hmm..." is: If a cat always lands on its feet, and toast always lands butter-side down, what would happen if you dropped a cat with a slice of toast strapped to its back?
Happy Friday!