Christian Living6 Posts

Christian Living

Lemon or Lemonade?

Recently a friend in ministry asked me a profound question: "As I mature in ministry, how can I maintain a heart that cherishes Jesus above all other competing demands?" ...

Sheep of Christ

If you're like me, you know almost nothing about sheep. You may have stroked one at a petting zoo or State Fair, but aside from your cable-knit sweater from L.L. Bean, you and sheep don't have much in common...

Slaves of Christ

Two pervasive images in the Bible describe God's people: Slaves and Sheep. What are we to make of such comparisons?

Jesus Poked the Bear

While chewing my way through Matthew's gospel, it's become clear why the religious leaders hated Jesus and conspired to kill him. Jesus publicly proclaimed bold, offensive things to their faces. He poked the bear...

Gamblers for God

C.T. Studd, the famed English cricketer-turned-missionary, once remarked: "Why are gamblers for gold so many, but gamblers for God so few?" Perhaps it's because ...