Christian Living6 Posts

Christian Living

Living in Sodom

Not the cheeriest of headlines, but it should grab our attention. Better yet, it should grieve our hearts and cause us to fall to our knees in repentance. Who is crying out to the Lord God Almighty, to rescue us and our nation from his holy gaze?

When a Verse Seems Boring

Have you experienced "Familiarity Fatigue" with a verse in the Scriptures, so it seems drained of its strength, like a nerf bullet trying to pierce body armor? ...

I Am an Apple

What if I said, "I am a Golden Delicious Apple. This is my truth. This is my authentic self. If you suggest I am anything other than a Golden Delicious Apple, you are a blind bigot filled with hatred. You have no right to tell me who I am. In fact, you have no right to deny my very Appleness..."


What does it mean to "Come to Christ?" Jesus said, "Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest..."