Christian Living6 Posts

Christian Living

Flossing and Prayer

My brother Mike is a great dentist. In fact, because of him, I've lost all my fear of going to the dentist. It's comforting when you know the dentist really cares about you, and will only do what is in your best interests. But I never expected my annual dental visit to transform my prayer life...

Annual Commencement Address

One of the great traditions from 30+ years of college ministry was my annual Graduation Speech for the Seniors in our Cru movement. I'd dress up in cap and gown, and laud their heroic accomplishments, tongue in cheek.

54 Promises God has Made to Me.

"Not one of all the Lord's good promises to the house of Israel failed; every one was fulfilled." Joshua 21:45 While reading through the OT book of Joshua, I ran across the verse above. I asked myself, "What precise promises has God made to me?"

Wheelbarrow: A Parable of Faith

[Many true stories and quotations improve over time, as wordsmiths stretch the boundaries of poetic license. Below, based on true events, is the conflated story of Charles Blondin, who performed daring acts on a tightrope in the late 1800s.]