Sleep, Snoring, Spurgeon, and Sermon Prep
Charles Haddon Spurgeon is often called, The Prince of Preachers. But the first time I heard his name, I wasn't thinking sermons ... I was thinking sardines. His name made me think of three kinds of fish ...
Charles Haddon Spurgeon is often called, The Prince of Preachers. But the first time I heard his name, I wasn't thinking sermons ... I was thinking sardines. His name made me think of three kinds of fish ...
God and Golf. I know for some folks, that's redundant. Golf is their God. Not me. But I confess: I love to golf. I love it for three reasons – all of which cause me to love God more. I call them the ABC's of Golf: Adventure. Beauty. Competition.
That's a pretty outlandish title, isn't it? Am I blaming God for breaking my left hand ring finger? Or even more shocking, am I grateful to have suffered a broken finger? By the time you've finished reading this, you'll understand why I believe both of those things to be true ...
... My biggest problem isn't with skeptics who doubt, but with saints who dawdle ..."
Some people collect coins, others collect stamps or bumper stickers. I collect quotations. I don’t really know why, but ever since college, when I hear a great quotation, it sticks in my brain like dog hair to flannel sheets ...
I once saw the following, and it intrigued me. Take 15 seconds to read the bold print sentence below, and count the number of F's ...