Christian Living6 Posts

Christian Living

God and Golf

God and Golf. I know for some folks, that's redundant. Golf is their God. Not me. But I confess: I love to golf. I love it for three reasons – all of which cause me to love God more. I call them the ABC's of Golf: Adventure. Beauty. Competition.

God Broke My Finger, and I'm So Grateful!

That's a pretty outlandish title, isn't it? Am I blaming God for breaking my left hand ring finger? Or even more shocking, am I grateful to have suffered a broken finger? By the time you've finished reading this, you'll understand why I believe both of those things to be true ...

Jesus, Patrick Henry, and a Ham Sandwich

Some people collect coins, others collect stamps or bumper stickers. I collect quotations. I don’t really know why, but ever since college, when I hear a great quotation, it sticks in my brain like dog hair to flannel sheets ...