Christian Living6 Posts

Christian Living

Cain and Abel

Some Bible stories are short on details, revealing only the limited information God intends us to understand. I find the story of Cain and Abel to fit this description well.

How To Read Revelation

The Bible is a big book. It starts with the words "In the beginning" (Genesis 1:1) and ends with "Amen" (Revelation 22:21). That seems appropriate, sort of like Once Upon a Time and The End...

We Are Not Our Feelings

Over many months, I've been absorbing the remarkable thinking of Carl Trueman, author of the best-selling analytical text on our current cultural crisis, The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self...

Many, But Few

Poetry, by design, is meant to slow us down and make us ponder. You can't speed-read poetry. You must smell it, swish it around in your mouth, let it linger upon your taste buds before swallowing...