Roget's Thesaurus

Roget's Thesaurus

I don't know if you recently saw this in the news?

In downtown Chicago, there was a pretty horrific car accident. Near the old Sear's Tower, a Hummer barreled through an intersection and T-boned a Barnes & Noble box truck. The truck was carrying a large shipment of reference books, primarily cartons of Roget's Thesauruses, which were strewn across the entire intersection.  

No one was hurt. However, the report said that onlookers were Surprised. Astonished. Stupefied. Amazed. Staggered. Bewildered. Startled. Dumbfounded. Breathless. Puzzled. Spellbound. Awestruck. Aghast. Agog!

Gotcha. Happy Friday!